by Stefanie Small | Jan 8, 2020 | Aging in Place, Drinks, Food, Health
Check out 4 tips to continue to nourish your body, even with the chill in the air, as we embark on the New Year! #1 EAT SEASONAL PRODUCE Seasonal foods not only taste better, but they are kinder to your wallet, and because they endure less travel from farm to...
by Stefanie Small | Sep 27, 2019 | Aging in Place
A group of AgeWell at the JCC members from both the South Hills and Squirrel Hill went to see the Vietnam War exhibit at the Heinz History Center. One of the South Hill members, Rose Gantner, donated some of her personal items to the exhibit. Rose served two...
by Stefanie Small | Jun 5, 2019 | Aging in Place, Humor
My grandfather was the master of joketelling. When he gave speeches, jokes were in there. When he was with friends, jokes were shared and enjoyed together. And he loved to teach his grandkids jokes. Most were appropriate for any audience, some were not (which were my...
by Stefanie Small | Feb 26, 2019 | Activities, Aging in Place, Volunteers
Being highlighted by the United Way of Southwestern PA is no small feat. But one of our Checkmates Volunteers made it! Read all about Pat and our great Checkmates program! PAT BATTAGLIA One Friday phone call can make all the difference “I’m glad to be here for local...
by Stefanie Small | Feb 14, 2019 | Aging in Place, Food
Here we are, freezing in the winter. It’s icy; dangerous for man and animal, alike. I carefully put out crumbs for the birds. But that wasn’t enough. Here at Mollie’s Meals where we empower homebound seniors with good nutrition, we are distributing winter “emergency”...
by Stefanie Small | Feb 7, 2019 | Aging in Place, Food, Health, Information, Recipes from Cooking Corner
I don’t know what I want. It’s cold outside. It’s raining out. I don’t feel like cooking. If any of these apply to you…you’re in luck. Just like the rest of us, we have those days when noting either looks good or requires too much effort. Not in the mood for...