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Caregivers and Finances

Caregivers and Finances

Caregivers are often put in tough financial situations with the person they are caring for. Sometimes the care recipient has dementia and accuses them of stealing from them. This can happen when the care recipient was the “bill payer” all these years and now the...
Keeping Cool in the Summer

Keeping Cool in the Summer

This summer has already shown itself to be a scorcher. So how do we keep cool in the summer here in Pittsburgh? There are lots of ways and it is important to pay attention to staying cool. Older adults are prone to heat exhaustion and overheating because their bodies...
AgeWell Information Referral Line

AgeWell Information Referral Line

AgeWell Information Referral Line (412) 422-0400   How We Can Help AgeWell Pittsburgh is dedicated to helping aging adults lead dignified, independent and meaningful lives. If you or a loved one is in need, AgeWell is here to help with the following: Care...