The AgeWell Pittsburgh service providers recently heard from staff at Blind and Vision Rehabilitation Services of Pittsburgh.  We were blown away by the various techniques and technologies that are out there for people with visual impairments. Some were simple, like methods of folding cash so the person knows what bill they have by the way it’s folded, or the white cane we have all seen and still serves its purpose of guiding well. But we were also introduced to a device that, when held against a piece of fabric and a button held, will tell the person what color their shirt is, And time devices that talk to you, both clocks and watches.


Addressing visual impairment is important. We think about it in terms of reading or walking around or driving needs. But we also forget that those with visual impairment can often become isolated and develop clinical depression, especially with impairments that occur later in life. Make an appointment to see your ophthalmologist today to ensure healthy eyes. And if you’ve reached the point where you need assistance, give BVRS a call at 412-368-4400 and learn about what services and programs are out there for you.