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There’s something about the idea of a fresh start that gets people motivated to make positive changes in their lives.

For many, the best time to make an improvement is on Jan. 1, also known as the perfect day to set a New Year’s resolution.

But while nearly half of the population has the drive to start anew, only 8 percent of those people actually achieve their goal, according to research from the University of Scranton. This coming year, don’t let your good intentions be the only step you take. Follow through and accomplish your resolution to better your overall health and well-being!

It’s easier said than done, but a few helpful hints can keep you motivated and increase your chances of succeeding. Here are six tips for pulling off this year’s resolution with ease:

1. Make sure it’s something you want
It’s easy to set a goal that you think you should achieve or one that others are pushing for you to try. But you’ll lose the drive early on if it’s not something you want. Be realistic and put some thought into your resolution. Don’t promise to lose 20 pounds in the next month – instead, vow to start eating healthier in hopes that you’ll start shedding the weight.

Don’t set a goal that someone else wants you to achieve.Don’t set a goal that someone else wants you to achieve.

2. Be as specific as possible
If your goal is too general, you’ll be more likely to brush it to the side. If you want to increase your chances of achieving it, follow the advice of Richard O’Connor: “To be effective, resolutions and goals need to be pretty specific,” he shared with Bankrate.

So instead of promising to exercise more, come up with a resolution that states you’ll be at the gym Monday through Thursday at a specific time.

3. Find a partner in crime
If you’re looking for a simple way to hold yourself accountable, trust in another person to make the resolution with you. AARP said you’re less likely to let someone else down if they’re in the long haul with you, which ultimately means you won’t be letting yourself down either. For instance, if you both want to start exercising more, sign up for fitness class that takes attendance. If your goal is to eat healthier this year, take turns making healthy meals you can freeze.

4. Set a timeline and be realistic
If you want to avoid procrastinating, The Huffington Post recommends setting a realistic timeline for achieving your goal. Make sure your plans work for your schedule before it’s set in stone to avoid letting yourself down.

Be realistic with your timeline.Be realistic with your timeline.

5. Don’t get knocked down by an obstacle
Life works in mysterious ways. Any roadblock could instantly occur and hold you back from reaching that resolution. If something out of your control happens, don’t get knocked down. Anticipating the occasional roadblock can compel you to have a back-up plan when the going gets tough.

6. Encourage yourself no matter what
If you notice you’re dipping on your own watch, don’t beat yourself up about it. A few personal setbacks may be discouraging, but they can’t be the reason you give up. Forgiving yourself for failing will only make you a stronger person and will help you push forward in achieving your goal. Always be considerate, compassionate and kind to yourself along the way.


Originally posted by Sunrise Senior Living.